The Compliance Level Service

The Compliance Level Service attends to the preparation of annual financial statements and income tax returns. This service may also extend to the preparation of FBT returns, monthly or quarterly BAS returns and providing assistance with annual workers compensation insurance reconciliations, superannuation reconciliations and payroll tax returns. Its focus is on assisting you to meet the annual compliance requirements. We see it as a bit like the role of the garden stake in the vegie patch – it serves its purpose and is then put away until the next year.

The Analysis Level Service

The Analysis Level Service builds on the Compliance Level Service by providing an analysis of what has happened in areas of cash flow (including analysis of debtor and creditor positions), inventory levels, sales growth, cost analysis and business profitability. The information is extracted from analysing prior years’ data, identifying trends and developing easily identifiable performance indicators (KPI’s) for future use.

The Business Enhancement Service

The Business Enhancement Service works with you to develop and implement strategic initiatives for you and your business to ensure ongoing future profitability and prosperity. This may include redesigning business processes, restructuring the business, documenting business plans, developing short term and long term budgets, developing a superannuation contribution strategy in conjunction with projected business profitability and cash flows. It is an integrated approach designed to support you in meeting your business objectives. This is the journey.

This level of service sees us having a close working relationship with you, often entailing monthly meetings to discuss/refine options and review progress. In this way, there is a regular review of progress, including forecasts and financial results. Changing business trends are also identified quickly. The information you receive is critical data to support your decision making. Prompt action can be taken to optimise the positive trends and minimise the negative ones.